Polytechnic Academic Complex

Building Information

U.S. Green Building Council member emblem

The Polytechnic Academic Complex is strategically located in the core of the Polytechnic campus, serving as a social and academic hub for students. This five-building complex – Peralta Hall, Picacho Hall, Santa Catalina Hall, Santan Hall, and the Applied Arts Pavilion - provides space for the Morrison School of Management and Agribusiness, the College of Science and Technology, the School of Educational Innovation and Teacher Preparation, and the East College.

The buildings are designed to create indoor and outdoor spaces that take into consideration the desert culture. They are “green” buildings, and received LEED Gold certification from the United States Green Building Council. The complex adds to the existing inventory of general university classrooms, classroom laboratories and other specialized instructional spaces, as well as faculty and departmental offices. The complex features Picacho Hall, a new lecture hall, as well as the Applied Arts Pavilion which boasts a “black box theater” - providing production and performance space for students.

Campus Location:

Polytechnic campus

Gross Square Footage:


Total Project Cost:





RSP, Lake Flato, Ten Eyck Landscape Architects

Construction Team:


Project Start Date:

December 2006

Project End Date:

July 2008