School of Human Evolution and Social Change renovations

Building Information

Renovations to the School of Human Evolution and Social Change’s Innovation Gallery and connecting facilities will create new, engaging public and educational spaces. Visitors can see, touch and feel the human impact of the school's work and the legacy of past generations while also thinking bigger about the future directions of our species. 
Students, staff and faculty will leverage a modern, higher-capacity gallery space for world-class displays — including historic and cultural collections never before seen by the public — hands-on interactivity, high-tech visual storytelling and engaging new special events. Improvements to adjoining classroom areas and meeting spaces will also allow for seamless hosting of in-person lectures and global video conferences.  
Upon project completion, SHESC will be able to give visitors and students a new vantage point that spans the globe and even time itself, making the science behind anthropology, global health, environmental science and applied mathematics come alive for all. 

Campus:  Tempe
Gross square footage: 4,800
Total project cost: $1,600,000
Architect:  Holly Street Studio
Construction team: Okland Construction
Project start date:  October 2017
Project end date:  February 2018