Bateman Physical Sciences Center

Building Information

Wings D and E renovation

The project provides extensive renovations to classrooms and research labs in wings D and E of the Bateman Physical Sciences Center in order to support academic excellence and enhance research competitiveness.

Portions of the Bateman complex are over 50 years old and require modernization and improvements to enable the university to improve its utilization of the spaces required to meet new and current research requirements, as well as the evolving program needs associated with new fields of learning and teaching methodologies.

The project is intended to improve the ADA accessibility, function, and capacity of undergraduate education in the natural sciences and engineering fields.

The renovation will return resources and capacity to the campus infrastructure by upgrading the building systems with sustainable design features. The improvements include a new roof system, new mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, roof mounted exhaust stacks, new screening of roof top equipment, new code compliant restrooms and two updated exit stairways.

The project is also scheduled to provide an HVAC test and balance study to confirm the efficiency of the building systems.

Campus:  Tempe
Gross square footage: 87,866
Total project cost: $60,000,000
Architect:  BWS Architects
Construction team: CORE Construction
Project start date:  June 2021
Project end date:  July 2023