The ASU Supply Chain Management team found a sustainable alternative for single-use plastic K-Cups to reduce operating expenses and waste sent to ASU’s landfill.
From July through December 2023, University Services Building staff used 4,660 K-Cups®. The ASU Zero Waste department subsequently spent $1,289 to recycle the K-Cups via the Blue Bag Program.
The Supply Chain Management team believed offering reusable K-Cups® and disposing of used grounds in a nearby compost bin using the Office Compost Program would save money and reduce waste.
To implement their idea, a few SCM employees applied for a Sustainability Initiatives Revolving Fund grant to cover the cost of purchasing reusable K-Cups and coffee bean grinders to replace single-use K-Cups in the USB break area.
After receiving SIRF grant funding, SCM staff distributed a survey to gauge the interest in reusable K-Cups and coffee. They also held two events in April 2024 to build excitement about the transition, distribute reusable K-Cups and provide locally sourced and Fair Trade coffee. Approximately 250 K-Cups were distributed to USB employees.
The reusable K-Cup initiative is part of a larger effort by ASU Facilities Development and Management, Supply Chain Management, University Sustainability Practices and Zero Waste to reduce waste recycling costs and increase sustainability efforts in ASU office spaces. Reducing single-waste plastic and food waste will help ASU create a circular resource system and reach its 30% aversion and 90% diversion goals by 2025.
Refer to the sustainable purchasing webpage for more information and training on purchasing items that help meet ASU's sustainability goals. View the Reusable K-Cup Transition Quick Guide or email USP for details on transitioning your break areas and kitchenettes to reusable K-Cups.