
Any claim reaching 90 days with no action or any claim submitted after 90 days will be denied by the State of Arizona.

Reporting requirements

The state of Arizona requires the claim and all required documentation to be submitted within the time frames outlined below.

Property claim

  • One day from discovery of loss for damage expected to exceed $10,000.
  • 10 days from discovery of loss for damage expected to be under $10,000.

Auto claim

  • One day from discovery of loss for damage expected to exceed $5,000.
  • 10 days from discovery of loss for damage expected to be under $5,000 or below.


  1. ASU department submits the loss form with supporting documentation.
  2. The Office of Risk Management reviews the documentation and assigns a claim number.
  3. The Arizona Department of Administration claims adjuster or ASU’s risk administrator will review the claim and contact the department directly to investigate.

Submit a loss report


ASU’s auto insurance includes coverage for ASU-owned or leased vehicles, carts, vehicles rented under ASU’s Enterprise contract and vehicles rented under the state Hertz contract. ASU’s auto insurance does not cover the personal vehicles of employees or students.

Losses due to accident, theft, break-in or vandalism are criminal acts and must be immediately reported to the ASU Police Department.

ASU-owned or leased

Any damage or loss to an ASU-owned or leased vehicle must be reported to the Office of Risk Management. Departments must submit an auto loss report along with two detailed quotes or estimates, pictures and a police report for car accidents, vandalism or theft. Departments must wait for ORM or ADOA’s approval before moving forward with any repairs. Failure to do so will result in the denial of reimbursement of damages.

Rental car

Departments should utilize ASU’s Enterprise contract or the state Hertz contract when renting vehicles for ASU business. These contracts have set rates that include the damage waiver and liability insurance. Departments do not need to purchase additional insurance unless traveling internationally. In the event of damage or loss to a rental vehicle, submit an auto loss report and attach a copy of the rental agreement and any quotes/invoices received from the rental car company for the damage.

For any damage or loss to a vehicle rented to conduct official ASU business where an ASU or state rental contract was not used, the department must still submit an auto loss report and supporting documentation to ORM so that ASU is informed of the incident. The rental car company must submit a Notice of Claim to ABOR within 90 days. Please have the rental car company contact ORM for the Notice of Claim form.

Windshield damage

Windshield replacements for ASU-owned vehicles are handled by a contracted vendor. Once a windshield loss report is submitted by the department, they will receive a claim number and instructions for scheduling the repair with the contracted vendor.

Windshield replacements for rented vehicles are handled by the rental company, and the department should receive a final invoice for repairs. Departments must then submit a windshield loss report and the supporting documentation to ORM.

ADOA Risk Management Division requires each agency and all officers, agents and employees thereof to operate following Arizona Revised Statute §41-621 and Arizona Administrative Code R2-10-104 (A) and in all respects with the ADOA Risk Management Section and the Attorney General’s Office and agencies shall provide all information and materials required for adequate investigation and resolution of claims.


ASU’s property insurance includes coverage for real property — buildings and equipment — and business personal property — contents and supplies. ASU’s property insurance does not cover the personal property of employees or students.

Departments are responsible for submitting a loss report for damage to contents or supplies. Facilities Management will submit a loss report for any structural/building damage.

Losses due to theft, break-in or vandalism are criminal acts and must be immediately reported to the ASU Police Department.

Required documentation

ADOA requires each agency and all officers, agents and employees thereof to operate in accordance with Arizona Revised Statute §41-621 and Arizona Administrative Code R2-10-104 (A) in all respects with the ADOA and the Attorney General’s Office and agencies shall provide all information and materials required for adequate investigation and resolution of claims.

  • Detailed quote or estimate.
  • Original purchase order or content damage receipts. 
  • Pictures.
  • Police report if vandalism or theft is suspected.
  • Property control or serial numbers for content damage. 
  • Property loss form.


A third-party loss includes bodily injury or property damage to a third party, including vehicles, electronics, equipment, tools, etc. The reporting requirements and claims process stated above do not apply to third-party incidents or claims. Third-party claimants have 180 days to submit a Notice of Claim to ABOR starting from the date of the discovery of loss.

To notify ASU of a third-party loss, please submit an incident below. Submitting an incident report is only to notify ASU of the damage or loss so we may contact you for more details. It is not an acceptance of liability or admittance of guilt by ASU, ABOR or the state of Arizona, and it does not satisfy the Notice of Claim requirements of the state of Arizona per ARS. 12-821.01.

Submit an incident

Workers' compensation

Employee workers’ compensation coverage and claims issues should be directed to the Human Resources benefits office. The reporting requirements and claims process stated above do not apply to workers' compensation claims.

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General Information

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1551 S Rural Road
Tempe AZ 85281
Phone: 480-965-7700
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