Insurance Required from ASU

Any certificate of insurance issued is for informational purposes only and gives no rights to the certificate holder. The certificate does not amend, extend or alter coverage afforded by Arizona law.

External entities

ASU may be asked by third parties to provide evidence of the university’s insurance coverage in conjunction with agreements and contracts negotiated by ASU employees. Examples of situations where the university may be required to provide evidence of insurance include: 

  • Professional services agreements — where ASU is providing services.
  • Research grant sub-awards.
  • Using an off-campus location to host an event, ceremony, athletic event, theater production, practice space, job fair, educational outreach event, etc.

Arizona State University is self-insured under the state of Arizona Department of Administration Risk Management Department. The state of Arizona maintains for all its departments, agencies, boards, commissions and employees insurance and self-insurance in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes §§ 41-621 and 41-622. Coverage includes commercial general liability, professional liability, commercial automobile liability and workers’ compensation for Arizona State University employees acting in the course and scope of their employment or authorization. 

A copy of ASU’s Certificate of Insurance evidencing coverage terms and limits can be downloaded below.

ASU Certificate of Insurance

If a third party requires a certificate with a named certificate holder, the ASU department must submit a Certificate of Insurance Request to the Office of Risk Management. A copy of the contract must be submitted with the request.


The state of Arizona provides professional liability coverage per statute ARS §41-621 for medical malpractice claims against medical providers while acting in the course and scope of their employment or state-authorized activities. The state provides a letter for medical malpractice only. For proof of coverage for all other forms of professional liability, please follow the instructions under the external entities tab.

To request a credential letter, the supervisor of the employee or student must submit a credential request.


  1. The department submits a credential request.
  2. ORM reviews the request and submits it to ADOA for processing.
  3. ORM then forwards a copy of the credential letter to the requesting department.

Submit credential request