Incident Reporting
ASU Policy EHS 115 Incident Reporting and Investigations requires that all incidents resulting in an injury to an ASU employee, student or visitor, or damage to ASU property in excess of $500 must be reported to Environmental Health and Safety.
For this policy, an incident is defined as an occurrence or event that interrupts normal procedures or precipitates a crisis that results in any of the following:
- Injury or illness to ASU employees, students and visitors.
- Events that likely were to cause potential injury or illness to an ASU employee, student, or visitor (near miss).
- Damage to ASU property in excess of $500.
Submitting a report
- ASU property damage. For incidents involving damage to ASU property please submit a property loss claim.
- Employee incidents. All incidents involving employees must be reported through Workday.
- Non-employee or visitor incidents. All incidents involving non-employees or visitors must be reported electronically.
As a reminder, supervisors or other management personnel completing incident investigation reports related to an employee injury should determine an initial or apparent cause of the accident and ensure correct action is taken as appropriate to prevent others from being injured in the same manner. As a general rule, you should ask why an incident occurred at least three times to determine if corrective action is necessary. Please contact EHS at 480-965-1823 or email us if you require assistance in determining the cause of an incident.