Learning Offering: Definitions and Charge

As one of the university’s three enterprises, Learning Enterprise expands universal access to opportunity for learners — at every stage in life. 

ASU learning offering revenues

ASU is reimagining the role of universities in society as catalysts of economic and social mobility, guided by the belief that all learners can harness education as an effective ladder to achieving their goals. In the same way the Academic Enterprise serves students through ASU’s degrees, the Learning Enterprise serves learners through thousands of different learning offerings.

These offerings, referred to as learning offerings, include any ASU non-degree programs, activities or services that deliver a meaningful educational experience for learners — individuals not admitted to and enrolled in a degree program. It includes in-person, online and hybrid offerings regardless of length. Examples include executive and continuing professional education courses, custom workshops and training, learner curriculum and materials, and learning content.

Many learning offerings are provided at a cost to the learner or their sponsor, such as an employer. ASU collects a fee of 10% of the revenue received for all ASU learning offerings enterprise-wide.  

In order to accurately code all learner revenues for ASU reporting and allocation, all learning offering revenues must be tagged with the following revenue category:

  • RC0045: Learning Offering Revenues

Payment instructions

  • Online payment: When establishing a new learning offering through the ASU online payment portal, request the learning offering fees be posted to the revenue code RC0045. 
  • Check payment: When depositing checks, reference the revenue code RC0045.
  • ACH payment — Treasury: Enter the revenue code RC0045 on the Incoming Electronic Deposit form in Accounting Information Section Four, Revenue Category for electronic payments.
Accounting Information Section 4 - Revenue Category: RC0045


The Learning Offering charge posts weekly to cost centers and  program, gift, grant or project work tag and is coded to spend category SC0158: Learning Offering Fee.

Contact your Financial Services accountant for questions or more information.