Policy Guidelines

Award and incentive approval matrix: FIN 420-04

Award typeAmountAwarded toApprovalReport transaction to
Non-monetaryLess than or equal to $100ASU employeesDepartmentNA
Non-monetary$101–$999ASU employeesDean or vice presidentPayroll Services1
Non-monetaryGreater than or equal to $1,000ASU employeesProvost or applicable senior or executive vice presidentPayroll Services1
Non-monetaryLess than or equal to $100StudentsDepartment and tax servicesNA
Non-monetaryGreater than or equal to $101StudentsDean or vice president and tax servicesStudent Financial Aid Office
Non-monetaryLess than or equal to $100U.S. citizens and resident aliensDepartmentNA
Non-monetaryGreater than or equal to $101U.S. citizens and resident aliensDean or vice president and tax servicesNA
Non-monetaryAny amountForeign nationals and non-resident aliensDean or vice president and tax services2NA
Monetary3Less than or equal to $25ASU employeesDepartmentNA
Monetary3$26–$999ASU employees4Dean or vice presidentPayroll Services1
Monetary3Greater than or equal to $1,000ASU employees4Provost or applicable senior or executive vice presidentPayroll Services1
Monetary3Less than or equal to $100StudentsDepartment and tax servicesStudent Financial Aid Office
Monetary3Greater than or equal to $101StudentsDean or vice president and tax servicesStudent Financial Aid Office
Monetary3Less than or equal to $100U.S. citizens and resident aliensDepartmentNA
Monetary3Greater than or equal to $101U.S. citizens and resident aliensDean or vice president and tax servicesNA
Monetary3Any amountForeign nationals and non-resident aliensDean or vice president and tax services2NA
  1. When reporting faculty or staff awards to Payroll Services, departments must indicate if the award is retirement- or length-of-service-related. These awards have different thresholds of tax reporting than other service or performance awards.
  2. All awards to guests who are foreign nationals or non-resident aliens must be approved by tax services to ensure compliance with all applicable tax reporting requirements.
  3. Monetary awards include cash and cash equivalents, such as gift cards and gift certificates.
  4. All monetary awards greater than $25 to faculty and staff must be processed through Payroll Services.

Refer to FIN 420-04 for background and policy information.