Think before you throw

Film and soft plastic

soft-plasticsAny clean and dry soft plastic of any number or color. If it stretches before it tears it can be recycled in the soft plastic bins.

Examples include:

  • Air pillows.
  • Bread bags.
  • Bubble wrap.
  • Case wrap.
  • Paper product wrap.
  • Produce bag.
  • Retail bag.
  • Shrink wrap.

How to recycle:

To recycle, simply place the soft plastic in the soft plastic bin.

Soft plastic bins can be found at the following locations:

  • Tempe campus: Student Pavilion, next to the elevators on the first floor.
  • Polytechnic campus: Academic Center in the second-floor lobby.

Not accepted: Please do not place soft plastic in the Blue Bin as it can damage the machines used to sort commingled recyclables.