
The Office of Risk Management provides guidance on risk management and insurance coverage for volunteers.

The recruitment, onboarding, and management of volunteers are managed by individual university departments.

Volunteers are persons performing official university activities while under the direction and control of an ASU-authorized official and are not paid. An ASU-authorized official is an ASU employee who is not a student worker. Employees who are working within the course and scope of their employment do not need to complete the volunteer process.

There are limits to the work and prerequisites for volunteers engaging in activities at ASU. These include but are not limited to the following:

  • Building and lab keys are not issued to volunteers. Facility access for an approved volunteer is coordinated by the individual supervisor so that volunteers never work alone.
  • Training may be necessary prior to beginning work as an approved volunteer. Volunteers working in research labs are required to receive lab-specific training from their supervisors. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring all training is completed prior to the start of the volunteer’s duties. The EHS Training Determination Tool can help determine specific training needs.
  • Volunteers are limited to non-high-risk positions. Volunteer approval is contingent upon meeting the minimum qualifications to perform the task.

Forms and process

Volunteer activities must be registered with ORM to ensure insurance coverage. The ASU department responsible for the volunteer must:

  1. Complete the Volunteer Activity Registry. The volunteer activity registry must be completed annually regardless of the time period noted on the volunteer form. Volunteer activities with adjunct faculty do not need to be submitted through the registry. However, the volunteer form and waiver must still be completed and maintained by the department.
  2. Collect a completed volunteer form and waiver for each volunteer. Departments may download a PDF copy of the volunteer form and waiver below. The form can be completed by wet signature, or departments can use Adobe Sign to collect forms electronically.
  3. Retain a copy of all volunteer forms and waivers for five years in a place with departmental access. In the event of a claim, ORM will contact the department registered for more information.
  4. Notify the Office of Human Resources if a volunteer answers "yes" to a criminal conviction. Answering 'yes' does not automatically disqualify an individual from volunteering. 

Volunteer forms are valid for the dates on the form. If a volunteer’s duties will extend past the dates on the form a new volunteer form must be completed.

  • Group Waiver Form: For use in special cases where individual waivers cannot be collected prior to the activity.
  • Volunteer Form and Waiver: This form does not apply to visiting scholars or research scientists, student workers in labs or enrolled students who are taking a lab class for academic credit. Please note for minors who are volunteers; a volunteer form must be completed and signed by their parent or guardian. Departments working with minors in labs must also follow the minors in labs process through ASU Environmental, Health and Safety.


ASU volunteers are provided limited insurance coverage, including liability for acts or omissions while serving in their authorized capacity in accordance with state law, Arizona Revised Statutes §41–621 et seq., Arizona Administrative Code R2–10–107(B). Workers’ compensation coverage is not provided to volunteers. The state will provide a limited accident policy in excess over any primary insurance.

If a registered volunteer is injured while performing their volunteer duties, submit an incident report.

Use of ASU vehicles

Before a volunteer can drive an ASU-owned or rented vehicle or cart, they must complete the Authorized Driver Program.

Training and program access

Employees and student worker volunteers

Volunteers who hold an employment position directly with the university have automatic access to Career EDGE training and the Authorized Driver Program in PeopleSoft.

ASU student volunteers

ASU students who do not hold an employment position with the university must take the training in Canvas. Their department must request the appropriate security role for the student to access the Authorized Driver Program.

Non-ASU affiliated volunteers

Volunteers who do not hold an employment position with ASU and are not ASU students do not have access to the training in Career EDGE or the Authorized Driver Program in PeopleSoft. Departments must request the appropriate security role for the non-ASU affiliated volunteer to access the Authorized Driver Program.

For instructions on how to access the training, program and requesting security roles, please visit the Program and Training tabs on the Driving for ASU webpage.


  1. Volunteers must complete the volunteer registration form.
  2. The department must request a security role for Career EDGE — non-ASU-affiliated volunteers.
  3. The department must request a security role for the Authorized Driver Program in PeopleSoft — ASU students and non-ASU-affiliated volunteers.
    It can take up to one week from the day the roles are requested to be approved and implemented.
    After the security roles have been granted, the volunteer must:
  4. Consent to the program through My ASU — one-time.
  5. Have a successful 39-month motor vehicle records check — annually.
  6. Complete the authorized driver training — one time.

Volunteer consent

The authorized driver system requires the volunteer to enter the exact start and end dates listed on their volunteer form. The volunteer is only authorized during those dates.

Once the dates have expired, the volunteer’s status is changed to not authorized, and the volunteer should complete a new volunteer form. If the volunteer still has access to the program through My ASU, step two above does not need to be repeated; however, the volunteer should go back into the program and update their volunteer dates.

Volunteers and minors

Volunteers working with minors

Volunteers working in activities and programs with minors who are not ASU students or ASU employees who have responsibility for the care, control or custody of a minor as part of that activity or program must comply with the minors on campus policy.

Minors working in labs

If a minor falls under the definition of a volunteer, a volunteer form must be completed and signed by their parent or guardian. Departments working with minors in labs must also complete the Minors in Labs process through ASU Environmental, Health and Safety before the minor can enter the lab. Refer to EHS 116: Minors in Laboratories for more information.