Minors on Campus

The Minors on Campus Policy and best practices promote the safety and welfare of minors who are entrusted to Arizona State University’s care. ASU personnel or volunteers working in activities or programs with minors must comply with the policy. 

Departments are responsible for determining if an activity meets the Minors on Campus Policy requirements, accurately reporting the activity in the Minors on Campus activity registry, and ensuring all employees and volunteers are compliant before interacting with minors.

Review the policy to determine whether it applies to your program or activity. If additional clarification or guidance is needed, follow these steps:

  1. Employees and volunteers should connect with their department program manager.
  2. Departmental program managers should connect with the departmental leadership of their college.
  3. If details remain unclear, the departmental program manager can email the Minors on Campus team.

Compliance requirements

Before working with minors in activities and programs, all ASU personnel or volunteers must:

  1. Complete fingerprinting every three years. Fingerprinting must be completed using one of these two options:
    • Fingerprint check.
      • Complete every three years. 
      • Departments submit fingerprint requests to ASU’s Office of Human Resources.
      • Departments are responsible for fingerprinting costs.
    • Fingerprint clearance card.
      • Available through the Arizona Department of Public Safety
      • Once obtained, employees present the card to ASU’s Office of Human Resources for verification. 
      • Valid for six years from the issue date but must be validated through OHR every three years. 
  2. Complete annual training.
    • Minors on Campus training is required annually for all individuals working in youth activities. The training can be accessed through Workday Learning, and completion dates will be reflected in the Minors on Campus registry within 72 hours.
    • Volunteers and non-employed students: Volunteers who are not affiliated with the University through employment, as well as ASU student volunteers who are not employed by the University, must first become contingent workers before they can access Workday Learning and complete all policy requirements. For a guide on creating contingent workers, ASU departments should review the Contingent Worker job aid.  

Checking compliance

ASU departments should use the activity registry to confirm staff members are up to date on fingerprinting and training requirements.

Contact OHR with questions.

Independent contractors and volunteers

Independent contractors

Departments must review the Independent Contractor Information before an individual begins their work.

Departments using independent contractors, where any of the following apply, are responsible for ensuring the independent contractor has the appropriate insurance prior to any work with minors:  

  • An ASU employee who is compliant with the minors on campus policy will not be present during the independent contractor’s interaction with the minors.
  • The independent contractor has one-to-one contact with the minor. A one-to-one form located under the resources tab must be completed in these situations. 
  • The independent contractor is responsible for the care, custody and control of the minors.

Such independent contractors must purchase and maintain the insurance requirements for working with minors. All insurance must name the Arizona Board of Regents, Arizona State University and the state of Arizona as additional insureds. The independent contractor must provide a certificate evidencing this insurance coverage before working with minors.  

This requirement for insurance does not apply if:

  • An ASU employee who is compliant with the minors on campus policy will always be present while the independent contractor interacts with the minors.
  • Interaction is a one-time, single-day activity where the independent contractor will never be one-to-one with the minor.
  • The K–12 teacher, instructor, coach or counselor is present with the minors during the entire activity.
  • The parents or guardians are present with the minors during the entire activity.


Volunteers are persons performing official university activities while under the direction and control of an ASU-authorized official and are not paid. An ASU-authorized official is an ASU employee who is not a student worker. 

Volunteers are not permitted to work alone with or be the main person in the care, custody and control of minors. An ASU employee must always be present to supervise.

Before working with minors, volunteers must:

  1. Visit the volunteer webpage and complete the applicable volunteer form.
  2. Complete fingerprinting.
  3. Complete training. 

Activity registry guide and access

The activity registry is a tool that departments can use to document their compliance. The activity registry allows departments to:

  • Check the fingerprint and training status of employees and volunteers.
  • Determine how many staff members are needed for each activity.
  • Determine if your activity must be entered in the registry by completing an assessment.
  • Document compliance with the policy.
  • Record activities and programs with minors. 

Personnel and volunteers must have an employee ID and ASURITE before their fingerprint and training results will show in the registry. 

For a guide on using the registry, please review the Minors on Campus registry job aid.

Register a Minors on Campus Activity



Reporting abuse

If you witness child abuse or neglect or have information that would lead a person to believe a minor faces a substantial threat, follow these mandatory reporting procedures. 

  • If a child is in immediate danger, call 911 to obtain immediate protection for the child and contact the ASU Police Department at 480-965-3456.
  • If a child is not in immediate danger, call the Department of Child Safety at 1-877-767-2445.
  • Personnel and volunteers must also make a report to the Minors on Campus team.
General Information

Office of Risk Management: Policy and best practices questions
Email us

Office of Human Resources: Fingerprinting
Employee services: 1-855-278-5081
Faculty services: 480-727-9900
Email us

ASU Workday: Technology assistance
Submit a ticket