Technology and Computers

Business and Finance Information Technology provides technology services and support for the Business and Finance departments.

BFIT provides Tier 1 and 2 services for employees on the Tempe, Downtown Phoenix, Polytechnic and West Valley campuses. BFIT also supports the University Audit and Auxiliary Services department at the Tempe campus. Our mission is to provide prompt, courteous and effective customer service and technology attention to meet the needs of our departments. For general university technology information, please visit the Enterprise Technology website.

To preserve a safe computing environment, all departments under the BFIT service umbrella must follow these policies and procedures:

Computer use policies and procedures


Only BFIT staff members are authorized to install computer hardware and software, establish a standard password for all administrator accounts and move computers and related equipment, including sending such items to salvage.

Remote connections into BFIT computers have been disabled for security reasons and are part of BFIT policy.

ASU Business emails and correspondence are required to use an ASU-managed email box. Remember to stay professional and comply with ASU’s security policies while using ASU email for ASU Business matters.

Copying, downloading or storing any unauthorized data on any administration, Business and Finance or Office of the General Counsel computer is strictly prohibited. This includes network servers as well as local workstations. Such data includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Any copyrighted material for which the department does not hold a license.
  • Music files such as CD audio, WAVs, MP3s or WMAs: This applies to illegally downloaded files and legitimately purchased music.
  • Video files.
  • Any materials that depict nudity or that are otherwise sexually explicit, unless authorized.

BFIT will remove all software for which a department does not hold a valid, current license. BFIT supports the following software:

  • Cisco AnyConnect VPN client.
  • Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
  • Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Antivirus and Windows Defender.
  • Office Suite: Microsoft Office 2016 or higher.
  • Operating system: Windows 7 or higher.
  • Any other ASU-specific applications or BFIT-approved applications.

Unauthorized programs will be removed immediately, and an employee’s supervisor will be notified. Such software includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Any third-party screensavers.
  • Google, Yahoo, eBay or any other installed toolbars.
  • Music-sharing applications such as BitTorrent.
  • Software downloaded from the Internet. Exceptions occur when it is specifically required to perform one’s job duties, is approved by the employee’s supervisor and BFIT has performed the installation.

In addition to these policies, all employees are bound to the proper and ethical usage of university property, as outlined in SPP 801: Employee Conduct and Work Rules, and must adhere to ACD 125: Computer, Internet and Electronic Communications Information Management Policy. The state of Arizona Revised Statute concerning Internet pornography also applies.


All work-related data should be stored in a network location because all data on BFIT servers is backed up and secure.

Note: Any information kept on local machines is not backed up and is not secure, which means valuable data may be permanently lost if a local machine fails.

BFIT sets the computer purchasing standards for the Business and Finance departments. These standards apply to the following types of equipment:

  • Computers.
  • Monitors.
  • Printers.
  • Smartphones and tablets.
  • Any other computer peripheral.

Courtesy affiliate computer access

When a new employee is hired, follow the New User Setup procedure to gain access to computer resources for that employee.

Note: When an employee leaves the department, contact BFIT immediately to begin termination of that employee’s computer access.

ASU Business and Finance and UAAS employees need access to various computer systems, networks and resources. Here’s how a supervisor can get new staff members the computer resources they need.

Courtesy affiliates

This category is for anyone who does not receive an ASU paycheck, such as affiliates from temporary work agencies and consultants.

Step one: Gain access to required services in order for the courtesy affiliate to log on.

  1. Log in to ServiceNow with your ASURITE. 
  2. Select Courtesy Affiliate Request — Add or Renew in the Accounts and Access section.
  3. Fill out all pertinent information about the applicant. 
  4. Select Order Now at the top-right side of the screen to submit the request to the Computer Accounts Office. 

Once received, Computer Accounts will process this form and notify the person who is sponsoring the affiliate when it is done. This process usually takes about one business day.

Note: You cannot proceed to step two until you receive notification that the above request has been processed and the new employee has received his or her ASURITE.
Step two: Contact BFIT to gain access to Business and Finance network resources.

  1. Submit a help ticket to submit the new user’s information using the new user access form.
  2. Once BFIT receives this information, a staff member will grant the network access and contact the supervisor to schedule a 30-minute meeting to set up the new user’s profile and explain the administration and finance systems and policies. The new user must attend this meeting.

Employee computer access

When a new employee is hired, follow the new user setup procedure to gain access to computer resources for that employee.

Note: When an employee leaves the department, contact BFIT immediately to begin termination of that employee’s computer access.

ASU Business and Finance and UAAS employees need access to various computer systems, networks and resources. Here’s how a supervisor can get new staff members the computer resources they need.

Regular staff

This category includes long-term temporary employees paid by ASU.

Step one: Get an ASURITE for your new employee.

  1. If the new employee’s hire has been fully processed in Workday, the employee can self-subscribe to the ASURITE system during orientation. If not, the employee cannot self-subscribe during orientation. Visit the ASURITE activation portal and walk the employee through the self-subscription process the day after the hire has become effective in Workday.
  2. During the self-subscribe process, the new user will have to indicate the services they need. A new employee should subscribe to ASU Active Directory, ASU Main Campus Exchange and ASURITE Windows Domain.

Note: To proceed further, the new employee must have an ASURITE.

Step two: Request access to Enterprise Technology systems — non-administration and finance — such as the mainframe and data warehouse. 

  1. If the new employee needs access to any enterprise systems or to My Reports or Data Warehouse, complete and submit the corresponding form. Most administration and finance departments will skip section two of the form.
  2. The forms only need to be submitted before moving on to step three. Waiting for a response concerning them is not required. Requests made in step two take several days, sometimes as long as two weeks, to be processed.

Check the status of submitted requests.

Step three: Contact BFIT to gain access to administration and finance network resources.

  1. Submit the new user's information by phone or submit a new user help ticket.
  2. A BFIT staff member will grant the network access and contact the supervisor to schedule a 30-minute meeting to set up the new employee’s profile and explain the administration and finance systems and policies. The new employee must attend this meeting.

Student employee computer access

When a new employee is hired, follow the New User Setup procedure to gain access to computer resources for that employee.

Note: When an employee leaves the department, contact BFIT immediately to begin termination of that employee’s computer access.

ASU Business and Finance and UAAS employees need access to various computer systems, networks and resources. Here's how a supervisor can get new staff members the computer resources they need.

Student employees

Step one: Verify that the student has an ASURITE.

You cannot proceed on to steps two or three until the new employee has an ASURITE. Most students should already have an ASURITE, which is required for access to the various systems.

Step two: Gain access to the required services for the student to log on.

Unlike regular staff, students cannot self-subscribe to ASU Active Directory, ASURITE Windows Domain, or Cisco AnyConnect VPN. These services must be requested from Enterprise Technology before the student can be added to any BFIT network resources.

Choose one of these options to get a group membership:

  1. Submit the new user's information by phone or submit a new user help ticket. BFIT can work with ET to get the student employee in the requisite groups. If the student employee does not have an affiliate, the department will have to proceed through the option below.
  2. Log in to the ServiceNow portal. In the Accounts and Access section, select Computer Account Request — Add Services to Existing Account. Fill in all the pertinent information for the student and make sure you choose these options:
    • ASURITE-NT domain — ASURITE Windows domain.
    • Exchange email — *Outlook requires ASURITE-NT domain access.

Fill out the remainder of the fields. The best dates to use for the expiration are either June 30 or Dec. 31 of the current year, depending on the department’s needs or anticipation of the student’s length of employment.

Once the form is completed and submitted, ET will send an email to the supervisor asking for approval. ET will process the request and notify the supervisor via email. The supervisor must submit a BFIT Help Desk ticket with the student’s name, ASURITE and the name of a person after whom BFIT can model his or her access.

Step three: Schedule profile setup.

It typically takes one business day to process the requests from step two. Once BFIT receives the information, A BFIT staff member will grant the network access and contact the supervisor to schedule a 20-minute meeting to set up the new student’s profile and explain the administration and finance systems and policies. The new student must attend this meeting.
