Manage your paycheck

Your Paycheck

Review the information below about ASU paycheck and pay stub documents. This information is also available in PDF format.

  1. Paycheck City.
  2. Direct deposit guidance.
    1. Go to My ASU > My Employment > Payroll to set up your direct deposit information. If you do not have direct deposit set up, your paycheck will be mailed to the home address on record. 

Visit your W-2 and W-2 guide webpages for detailed information regarding the W-2 form.

General: Information about pay rate, work location, home address and department.

  • Current mailing address.
  • Department.
  • Employee or ID number.
  • Job title.
  • Name: first, middle, last.
  • Pay rate.
  • Work location.

After-tax deductions: Here are a few of the most commonly seen after-tax deduction types:

  • ASRS_LTD: Long-term disability.
  • DLF_HRTFRD: Hartford Dependent Life.
  • GARN: Wage garnishment.
  • MH&A: MetLife home and auto.
  • PARKDA: Parking downtown after tax.
  • SRC: Student recreation center.
  • STD1: Short-term disability, UNUM/Provident Std 750.

Before-tax deductions: Here are a few of the most commonly seen before-tax benefits deduction types:

  • 457: Deferred compensation.
  • ASRSP1: ASRS service purchase plan — 1.
  • DP01: Delta — dental.
  • EPO3: United HealthCare — medical.
  • FSA_DEPEND: Flexible Spending — child/adult.
  • FSA_HEALTH: Flexible Spending — healthcare.
  • PARKTB: Parking Tempe pre-tax.
  • VISI: Avesis — vision.
  • VOL_403B: voluntary 403b.

Earnings: Earnings represent the total gross amount of salary, hourly, student hourly regular, overtime, and other supplemental payments.

NOTE: The compensation earned will not add to the total gross hours and amounts at the bottom of the earnings box. These balances are informational and are not reflected in the totals.

Here are a few of the most commonly seen earning types explaining how they are paid.

  • Compensation 1.5: Hours, rate, and amount earned for working overtime.
  • Compensation adjustment: This is the amount deducted from the compensation earned balance and paid to the hourly employee. A compensation adjustment (-) will appear on the same paycheck as overtime for the same number of hours and dollars.
  • Compensation earnings: Hours, rate, and amount earned for working overtime.
  • Holiday H: Hours, rate, and amount are displayed for hourly employees who are eligible and are paid for the holiday.
  • Hourly: Hours, rate, and amount are displayed for hourly paid employees.
  • Overtime: Hours, rate — 1.5 x base rate — and amount are displayed for hourly paid employees.
  • Overtime straight: Hours worked are paid at the base straight time rate.
  • Regular: This year-to-date amount is loaded to the pay record. This information is needed for the W-2. 
  • STH: Hours, rate, and amount are displayed for student hourly employees.

Employer-paid benefits: The descriptions and amounts in this section display ASU’s contribution toward benefits. They do not affect annual taxable wages. Here are a few of the most commonly seen employer-paid benefits types:

  • ASRS_PLAN: Arizona State Retirement System plan.
  • BLIFE: Basic life.
  • DP01: Delta — dental.
  • EP03: United HealthCare — medical.
  • LTD3: Hartford Long-term disability.
  • ASL: Retiree accumulated sick leave.
  • WORK_COMP: Workers compensation.

Leave balances: Sick, vacation, and comp time year-to-date amounts are reflected.

Net pay distribution: The paycheck or advice number is displayed with the following information:

  • Amount deposited: The amount deducted from net pay.
  • Account number: Identifies where the funds are deposited.
  • Account type: Identified as checking, savings or both if it’s elected to be deposited in multiple account types.
  • Bank ID: Identifies the bank routing number where the funds are sent.


  • Check date: This is the date paid.
  • Company information: Arizona State University.
  • Pay begin date: mm/dd/yyyy.
  • Pay end date: mm/dd/yyyy.
  • Paycheck number: This is displayed for employee self-serve statements and a check to cash. Look at the bottom of the self-serve statement under net pay distribution to locate the paycheck number.

One of the following titles describes your payroll pay group and appears in the general section of your paycheck statement:

  • A12: Academic 12-months.
  • ACD: Academic.
  • GRD: Graduate.
  • HRY: Hourly.
  • SAL: Salaried.
  • STH: Student-hourly.

Paycheck deductions: Paycheck deductions will display all before- and after-tax amounts being deducted from the paycheck. Also displayed here are the amounts ASU has contributed for non-taxable or as a pre-tax benefit —PTaxBen. 

Paycheck summary

  • Federal taxable gross: The summary displays the current and year-to-date taxable wages for tax purposes. 
  • Gross earnings: The summary displays current and year-to-date total gross earnings before non-taxable items are subtracted to adjust the wages down to the total federal taxable wage amount. The federal taxable wage amount is the amount of wages the system calculates tax withholding for federal and state taxes.
  • Net pay: The summary displays the total net pay or cash paid. This amount represents the total money due.
  • Total deductions: The summary displays the total of deductions excluding tax withholdings.
  • Total taxes: The summary displays the total of federal and state taxes withheld for the current paycheck and year-to-date.

Note: Direct deposit amounts are located under net pay distribution at the bottom of your paycheck statement if this is elected. 

Special Note: The prior year-to-date totals do not appear when view a different paycheck is selected.

Tax data for Arizona residents: This information is used to calculate the paycheck.

  • Additional amount, if requested on your W-4 form.
  • Additional percent, if requested on your W-4 form.
  • AZ additional amount appears as $$.$$.
  • AZ percent tax gross — for example, 10% will appear as 10.000.
  • Federal allowances from your W-4 form.
  • Federal marital status from your W-4 form.

Taxes: Federal and Arizona state taxes displayed have been deducted from the paycheck. Federal income tax — FICA EE, old age survivors disability insurance — OASDI tax, and Medicare tax — MED EE, are displayed. The EE means withheld from the employee. The system also stores the ER — employer — tax contributions.