Vehicle Registration

Everyone who parks or expects to park a vehicle on any ASU campus, including ASU service vehicles, either regularly or occasionally, must register each vehicle with Parking and Transportation Services by purchasing and displaying a valid ASU parking permit or use pay-as-you-go parking while the vehicle is on campus. Only one valid permit may be utilized by a vehicle at a time. Registration must occur before a vehicle is parked on any ASU permit lot, structure or zone. Permits for any of the five ASU campuses should be purchased through the ASU Transportation Account. Customers paying by check may purchase a permit in-person at a PTS Customer Service Office location.

Compliance agreement

Signing a parking permit application form or obtaining a permit online certifies that the individual agrees to receive, read and comply with Arizona vehicle emission laws, university stormwater policy, the refund policy and the current PTS rules and regulations. Permits and passes remain the property of ASU Parking and Transportation Services and may not be transferred, altered, reproduced or sold for any reason by the permit holder. Parking privileges are revocable at any time. Signing a transit application form or obtaining a transit pass online certifies that the individual acknowledges that if their affiliation changes with the university, they may no longer be eligible for their current transit pass. See the transit pass refund policy in the PTS rules and regulations.

License plate changes

It is the responsibility of the individual who has changed vehicles or license plates after initial registration to promptly submit the change of vehicle license number in writing to Parking and Transportation Services. All vehicles and license numbers must be registered to the corresponding permit with PTS before the permit being displayed on the vehicle. Permit holders can add new vehicle information through their ASU Transportation Account or by completing the online form. However, the removal of information must be done by fax, email, U.S. mail or in person at a PTS Customer Service Office and be accompanied by a photo ID. Customers are responsible for any citations issued to the vehicle after they add it to their account until they successfully sever the vehicle relationship from their account. Vehicles may not be removed from an account if the customer still owns the vehicle.

Dealer plates

In accordance with ARS 28-4532, dealer plates cannot be registered to a parking permit.

Leased and rented vehicles

Vehicles on long-term lease — six months or more — may be registered to a permit upon presenting a copy of the lease. Rental vehicles may park when displaying a purchased parking permit. These may not be added via My Transportation Account and must be handled in-person at a Parking and Transportation Services office.

Vehicle identification

University personnel shall be able to easily view the vehicle’s license plate or vehicle identification number — VIN.  Vehicles parked in a manner to inhibit this ability may be subject to immediate impoundment.

Sale of vehicle

To avoid responsibility for subsequent citations issued to a vehicle that has been sold or traded, please advise your state’s Motor Vehicle Division. This can be done by completing the back of your state vehicle registration form and submitting it to your state’s MVD office.