Personal Injury Coverage - University employees are covered by Worker’s Compensation (Staff, faculty, student workers).
Employee - Seek immediate medical attention if necessary and advise your supervisor. Complete incident report.
Employee or Supervisor -Call Arizona’s Early Claim Reporting Line. Claim must be made within 24 hours. 1-800-837-8583 or complete the Supervisors Report of Injury, or SRI.
Supervisor - Visit ASU’s HR webpage and complete the Supervisor’s Accident Investigation Report. Have injured employee sign and date the State Risk Management Authorization Form.
Supervisor -Return all completed forms to Human Resource Employee Service Center within five (5) days from the date of injury.
Property Loss
Property Loss - Loss greater than 10,000 dollars must be reported within 24 hours and loss less than 10,000 must be reported within 10 days.
Auto claims - Loss or damage greater than 5,000 dollars must be reported within 24 hours and loss or damage less than 5,000 dollars must be reported within 10 days.