Medical Emergency or Personal Injury

Call 911 for all medical emergencies

All University personnel are encouraged to learn first-aid and CPR/AED. For more information, contact Environmental Health and Safety.

Heat-related illness
  • Get the victim to a cool place.
  • Loosen tight clothing.
  • Apply cool, wet cloths to the skin.
  • Fan the victim.
  • If the victim is conscious, give cool (not cold) water to sip.
Cuts and punctures
  • For minor incidents: Vigorously wash injury with soap and water for several minutes.
  • For serious incidents: Call 911 and seek medical attention immediately. If Impaled by a foreign object – Do not remove the object and wait for medical attention to arrive.
Material splashed in eye
  • Immediately rinse eye and inner surface of eyelid with water continuously for a minimum of 15 minutes.
  • Forcibly hold the eye open to ensure effective flushing behind eyelids.
Cardiac arrest
  • Call 911 for emergency medical assistance. 
  • Locate the nearest AED(s) within the building or in a nearby building.
  • The use of an AED is necessary to revive a victim of cardiac arrest. The unit is automated, will give verbal instructions regarding proper use, and will only shock when the victim’s condition warrants a shock. Have someone at the scene dial 911 in order to report the incident.

Report any personal injury incidents to your supervisor as they are responsible for notifying ASU’s Office of Human Resources and EHS about the incident.

Additional site instructions
  • Keep emergency supplies in your office (medications, flashlights, comfortable shoes, bottled water, batteries, portable radio).
  • Post this Emergency Response Guide in a visible location. Ensure staff is made aware of its location.
  • Become familiar with exit routes and assembly points around your building.
  • Locate the nearest fire extinguisher and pull station.