Natural disasters or inclement weather
Dust storms
Dust storms are most common in Arizona between May and September. Dust storms may cause sinus allergies, respiratory infections, eye irritation and asthma attacks.
- Do not exit the building.
- Close all windows and doors.
- Remain inside until the storm has passed or cleared to leave.
Cover your nose and mouth with a damp cloth if dust enters the building.
Don’t enter the dust storm area. If you can pull off the road:
- Pull your vehicle off the pavement as far as possible, stop, turn off lights, set the emergency brake and take your foot off the brake.
- Turn off all lights when parked.
If you can't pull off the roadway
- Drive at a speed suitable for visibility, turn on lights and occasionally sound horn.
- Use the painted center line to help guide you.
- Look for a safe place to pull off the roadway.
- Never stop on the traveled portion of the roadway.
Check the National Weather Service Forecast Office for Dust Storm Warnings.
- Do not exit the building or use elevators.
- Stay away from windows and large glass objects.
- Avoid heavier objects such as lights and wall hangings.
- Take cover underneath a table or desk or stand inside a doorway.
Assist disabled people to a safe place, if necessary. Wheelchair users should lock their brakes.
- Move away from trees, buildings, walls and power lines.
- Get into a fetal position, close eyes and cross arms over the back the neck.
- Remain in position until shaking has stopped.
- If driving, pull over and stop.
After shaking stops
- Be prepared to evacuate building or campus if instructed to do so.
- Do not enter any building that is deemed or looks unsafe.
- Do not use cell phones except to report serious injuries.
- Do not use matches or lighters.
- Safely assist injured and disabled people.
- Tune radios to an emergency broadcast or local radio station for news updates and instructions.
- Immediately seek shelter.
- Avoid areas with exterior-exposed glass.
- Remain indoors or under protective shelter until the hail has stopped.
- Immediately seek shelter.
- Do not stand under tall, isolated objects. In open areas, seek low areas such as a ravine or valley. In groups outside, keep several yards apart.
- Stay away from metal equipment and vehicles.
- Stay away from water.
- Stay away from wire fences, clotheslines, metal pipes and rails.
Lightning may strike some miles from the parent cloud.
A tornado watch means that conditions in and close to the watch area are favorable for tornados and severe thunderstorms.
A tornado warning is an urgent announcement that a tornado has been reported. Take immediate action to protect life and property.
- Do not exit the building or use elevators.
- Go to an enclosed, windowless area in the building. Areas near corners or support columns are best.
- Avoid the middle of exterior-exposed walls.
- Seek shelter in basement if available.
- Interior stairwells are usually good places to take shelter.
- Stay away from windows and large glass objects.
- Avoid heavier objects such as lights and wall hangings.
- Assist disabled people to a safe place, if necessary.
- Remain inside until the tornado has passed or you are cleared to leave.
- Do not use matches or lighters.
- Move away from trees, buildings, walls and power lines.
- Seek the lowest possible ground.
- Lying flat in a ditch or low-lying area may be the only location available. Never enter an area where a cave-in or flooding may be possible.
- Remain in position until the noise and high winds have stopped.
- Do not enter any building that is deemed or looks unsafe.
- Do not use matches or lighters.
Thunderstorms and microbursts
- Do not exit the building or use elevators.
- Take cover underneath a table or desk or stand inside a doorway.
- Stay away from windows and large glass objects.
- Avoid heavier objects such as lights and wall hangings.
- Remain inside until the storm has passed or cleared to leave.
- Do not use matches or lighters.
- Assist disabled people to a safe place, if necessary.
- Move away from trees, buildings, walls and power lines.
- Seek the lowest possible ground.
- Lying flat in a ditch or low-lying area may be the only location available. Never enter an area where a cave-in or flooding may be possible.
- Remain in position until the noise and high winds have stopped.
- Do not enter any building that is deemed or looks unsafe.
- Do not use matches or lighters.