Facilities and Shop Safety

EHS programs

There are a significant number of Occupational Safety and Health Agency regulations that apply to facilities maintenance operations, and any construction or remodeling activities. To assist ASU Facilities Development and Management staff with compliance with these regulations, and to ensure that best practices are followed, EHS has developed several general safety program guidance documents for use by ASU employees who work in facilities maintenance operations and similar positions. Examples are below and include a brief description and a link to the document. Employees working in laboratories or offices should review guidance available on those websites.

We can assist with safety and health complaints, including lab and shop safety concerns, indoor air quality, workstation setup, and general safety concerns. Please email EHS or call 480-965-1823 for assistance.


Aerial lifts

Crane lifts

Confined space entry

Facility use agreements

Fall protection


Lock Out Tag Out

Powered industrial truck

Respiratory protection

We are available to assist with health concerns related to shop and general safety. Please email EHS or call 480-965-1823 for assistance.

Job hazard assessments

Shop registration

Shops are required to be registered with EHS and registrations are updated on an annual basis via the CEMS system. The shop supervisor or their designee completes the registration process. 

Manage or update your registered shop information online in CEMS

  1. Log in to CEMS with your ASURITE ID and password.
  2. Select Registration Form, followed by clicking New Record.
  3. Please fill out all applicable fields.
  4. Adding an Emergency Contact is required.
  5. Under "Describe other hazards or special concerns," please list all hazardous shop equipment located in the lab space.
  6. Once all fields are completed, please click Submit.

After your registration has been submitted and approved, the EHS CEMS team will manually barcode and inventory all of the lab space's chemicals. Once this process is completed, your searchable chemical inventory can be accessed through the CEMS webpage under the "Chemical Inventory" tab.

Note: Review the Register a Laboratory/Space tutorial for more information, such as adding personnel to PI profiles, checking your chemical inventory, submitting hazardous waste pick-up forms and more. 

Supervisor safety

Supervisors are responsible for implementing safety policies and procedures in the work areas they supervise. The sheets below provide information and references to specific requirements of existing ASU EHS programs, contain essential health and safety information and provide answers to general compliance questions. Supervisors are expected to familiarize themselves with the sheets below that are specific to the work areas they supervise. Each fact sheet summarizes specific policy requirements, outlines the required information for supervisor responsibilities and provides quick references to applicable federal, state and university policy.


All training courses are located on the EHS training page on the facilities-specific training tab. Facilities Management personnel must complete all online annual safety training requirements. Courses with multiple modules require completion of all parts of the training to receive credit.

A supervisor will notify you if your position requires additional classroom courses. 

View your transcripts in Workday Learning.