Workplace Inclusion Training
The purpose of Culture and Inclusion is to create a culture of continuous education and development where employees are encouraged to grow, learn and adapt.
Guided by its charter, Arizona State University is committed to a positive workplace environment where employees respect each other and our students.
As part of this commitment to inclusion and student success, there are three required training modules. All faculty, staff and student workers must complete these required training sessions within the specified number of days from hire date.
Required inclusion training for ASU employees
Inclusive Communities
The Inclusive Communities training aims to help create awareness, develop skills to meet the needs of diverse students and develop teams of people capable of working together to advance the ASU mission. This training is training is reassigned every two years.
Employees can take the self-paced training in multiple sessions.
Access my Workday Learning transcript
Preventing Harassment and Discrimination
This self-paced training includes an online module, quiz and resource guide with information and policies to review. Learn how to identify and prevent prohibited behavior and how to report concerns. This training must be completed within 60 days of hire date.
Preventing Harassment and Discrimination training
Your Duty to Report
This training explains university policy and provides important ASU resources and contact information to report incidents of unwanted sexual conduct and other inappropriate behavior. Title IX — Your Duty to Report training is available to student workers, staff and faculty.
All faculty, staff and student workers must complete this 15-minute online training module within 60 days of hire date. To take the course, you must have an ASURITE affiliate username and password and Duo two-factor authentication to take the course. Contact our help desk if you experience trouble accessing the training.
Your participation ensures a positive working environment for everyone at ASU.
Professional employees
Culture and Inclusion serves faculty and staff as a vital resource to foster a culture of inclusivity within the ASU community. We understand that we can work together through growth and development to create an environment of organizational excellence.
We hope to encourage all faculty and staff to challenge themselves and their departments to take responsibility for our ASU community, ensuring that we continue to measure our success in inclusivity in both our intentions and our practices.
Student employees
Student workers are a core pillar of the ASU community. Culture and Inclusion serves student workers along with the entirety of the Office of Human Resources.
As an ASU employee, you have access to many of the same trainings and professional development opportunities as other ASU faculty and staff. Explore the Learning Opportunities webpage to see what Culture and Inclusion offers.