Transit enforcement

Access management

During enforcement times, no one may drive, park or ride wheeled vehicles in Walk-only zones. 

Bollard management 

Bollards restrict vehicular mall access and are located in specific Tempe campus areas. Contact Parking and Transportation Services or your assigned construction project manager for bollard management information. 

Car and vehicular access on malls 

All vehicles traveling on campus malls must pass a vehicle inspection. Drives must obtain a mall pass* and register for driving on the mall class. 

Driving on the mall 

  • All ASU employees, student workers and registered volunteers who drive ASU-owned, leased or rented vehicles for official university business must complete the Authorized Driver Program.
  • Contact the Walk-only zones team for more information on requesting restricted-access permits for VIP accessibility and matters of operations need related to safety. 

View the campus mall access plans for carts and vehicles. 

Questions? Contact Environmental Health and Safety

For additional information, visit:

Mall passes are not valid in Walk-only zones or non-vehicular accessible areas during restricted times. Please refer to driving on the mall map for authorized access ways. 

Restricted-access pass

Restricted-access pass applications will be considered for:

  • Essential functions or repairs that cannot be done outside zone enforcement times. 
  • Other extreme circumstances. 
  • VIPs.

Not all restricted-access pass applications will be approved. 

ASU Parking and Transportation Services review restricted-access pass applications via an online form. Requests are carefully considered and few are issued. The safety of the ASU traveling public always is a priority. 

Shared paths and bike features

Visit the ASU bike webpage for information about bike boxes, shared paths and sharrows.