Separating from ASU

Employees separating from Arizona State University are responsible for completing the following actions:

  1. Complete the online exit interview in Workday. If you prefer an in-person exit interview, please contact your OHR Business Partner.
  2. Pay any outstanding fees.
  3. Recycle your ASU ID card.
  4. Return your ASU parking permit to Parking and Transportation Services.
  5. Return keys.
  6. Turn in all other property to your department.

Your completion of these actions and survey responses are valued and appreciated.

In-person exit interviews

An exit interview provides you with the opportunity to discuss any outstanding employment issues. To schedule an in-person appointment with your representative, contact your OHR Business Partner.

Exit interviews for faculty and academic professionals

Faculty and academic professionals on year-to-year appointments may contact their dean's office for an exit interview. Faculty and academic professionals who are tenured or tenure-track, continuing status or continuing-status track or on multiyear appointments may contact the Office of the Provost at 480-965-7405 to schedule an optional exit interview. 

Exiting employee computer accounts information

If you leave ASU, your computer account services will automatically shut off unless you have another active affiliation with ASU that allows those services to remain active. See below guidelines to protect your account:

Leaving ASU

If you leave ASU, but are not retiring, your ASURITE account services will be suspended the day after your employment record indicates termination of employment. Save or forward any important personal files, emails or email addresses to another account before your ASURITE account is deactivated. Do not take any ASU files, emails or other information with you without the permission of your supervisor.


When you retire from ASU, your Gmail email account will be extended automatically. Employees who either leave ASU or retire should check to see if they have other departmental accounts such as listservs. Those UserIDs must be transferred to someone else when you leave. Employees should contact the Enterprise Technology Help Desk if they need help transferring departmental accounts.

Contact ASU Help Center for additional assistance.  

Related information about separating from ASU