Radiation and Laser Safety

Environmental Health and Safety provides support for the use of radioactive materials, X-ray machines and other sources of radiation at ASU.

On this page, you will find guidance for safe work procedures designed to reduce the hazards of working with ionizing radiation. Safety manuals are available for radiation safety, radiation-producing machines, particle accelerators and lasers. Downloadable forms required for registrations, disposals, transfers and standard operating procedures are also available.

Compliance with safety training is required for authorization to use equipment regulated under the Office of Radiation Safety. 

For more information on required safety courses or to access student training, please visit the EHS training page.

Equipment-specific safety manuals

Forms and references

EHS maintains the university’s licenses and certificates of registration with the state of Arizona, allowing the use of radiation at ASU and is contingent upon Arizona Bureau of Radiation Control oversight and compliance with Title 9, Health Services, Chapter 7, Department of Health Services — Radiation Control.

Radiation Safety Committee

Under the direction of the Radiation Safety Office, the Radiation Safety Committee promotes the mission to minimize occupational exposure to ionizing radiation and keep doses as low as reasonably achievable while maintaining compliance with local, state and federal regulations.

Mail Code:
General Information

Radiation Safety
PO Box 873501
Tempe AZ 85287-3501