Dosimetry Program

Dosimeters measure ionizing radiation produced by X-ray units and sources sealed or unsealed.

ASU Employee Health delivers and picks up dosimeters quarterly. An email is sent to the principal investigator or lab coordinator to schedule a convenient pick-up or drop-off time. Please return all badges from your location within one week to avoid additional fees.

Control badge dosimeters measure exposure from non-occupational irradiation that may occur during badge shipment and natural radioactive sources. Dosimetry readings are subtracted from the control badge readings. Control badges are issued for all groups of dosimeter badges and are used to determine the background radiation exposure of control areas. Store control badges away from radioactive sources in a cool, dry place. Please return control badges quarterly with personal dosimeters

Note: Users and areas that will not exceed the 10% or 500 mrem limit per year can be exempt from dosimetry with permission from the radiation safety officer. 

Refer to the Radioactive Materials Manual for more information.

Dosimeter types

Whole-body dosimeters are standard for all dosimetry wearers. These dosimeters estimate the radiation levels on the user’s skin and within the body. 

Ring dosimeters are used by those who work with sources with:

  • Beam paths that can enter an extremity. 
  • Fluoroscopy units.
  • Personal shielding, such as P-32 or S-35 with L-block shields.

Using dosimeters

Ensure the following when using dosimeters:

  • Never wear dosimeters outside — accidental badge exposures typically occur when badges are taken home or outside of work areas.
  • Store dosimeters in a cool, dry, common location away from radiation sources. Dosimeters are sensitive to heat, intense light and moisture.
  • Wear a dosimeter when working in a lab or environment with a radiation source.

Required training

Employees must complete the following training before using dosimeters:

How ASU affiliates request dosimeters

Complete the following steps to request dosimetry for ASU affiliates:

  1. Complete the required training.
  2. Log in to your Chemical Environmental Management System account. 
  3. Complete the ASU Dosimetry Issue Certificate and click Submit.

Radiation Safety will receive and approve requests. Radiation Safety will notify the requester when personal dosimetry has been received, typically 2–3 weeks after approval. All badges must be delivered in person. ASU Environmental Health and Safety staff will email you via the CEMS request to coordinate badge delivery.

Return the previous quarter’s control badge when receiving your new badgeEmail Radiation Safety if you no longer require a badge, your name has changed, or you will be working with a new principal investigator.

Please contact Radiation Safety or EHS to request dosimeter records.

Declared Pregnant Workers

Declaring pregnancy is confidential and voluntary. The Arizona Bureau of Radiation Control provides separate limits for declared pregnant workers due to concerns about prenatal radiation exposure. The limit is 0.5 rem dose equivalent to the fetus during pregnancy. These limits apply to workers who have formally declared pregnancy in writing by completing the Declaration of Pregnancy form and submitting it to Radiation Safety.