Types of leaves

ASU offers a variety of leaves of absence, paid time off plans and disability benefits that provide employees approved time away from work.

Family and Medical Leave Act

FMLA is a federal law that allows eligible staff members, faculty members and academic professionals to take job-protected leave for certain qualifying medical and family reasons. The law ensures that health insurance coverage will continue during the leave under the same terms and conditions as if the leave had not been taken.  

An employee may request FMLA leave for the following reasons:

  • Birth, placement for adoption or foster care, bonding.
  • Employee health.
  • Family member health.
  • Military family business.
  • Military family health.

Review the Employee's Guide to FMLA and the FMLA poster for details. 

ASU Leave

This allows eligible staff members, faculty members and academic professionals to take leave not covered by FMLA.  Requests for ASU Leave will be considered and granted at the discretion of the department.

An employee may request an extended leave of absence for the following reasons:

  • Birth, placement for adoption or foster care, bonding.
  • Employee health.
  • Family Member health.
  • Personal reasons.

Subject to the department’s discretion, an employee may be placed on one of the following leaves: 

  • Extended leave of absence, staff. 
  • Health-related leave with pay, faculty or sick. 
  • Leave of absence without pay, faculty. 

Military leave

This allows staff members, faculty members, and academic professionals who voluntarily or involuntarily enter active service in the armed forces of the United States to be placed on extended military leave without pay for the active service duration. The paid military leave benefits will be granted for a period not to exceed 30 working days in any two consecutive federal fiscal years — October 1 to September 30. Visit USERRA for details. 

Reasons for leaves 

Employee medical

  • When you are sick or injured and will not be at work. 
  • Your own illness or injury,  non-workers’ compensation. 
  • Your own illness or injury under workers’ compensation.

Family member health
Time off to care for a spouse, child, parent or member of your established household during a period of their illness or injury.

Time off while you are on active duty or military training in the Arizona National Guard, reserves or other armed forces branch.

  • Complete and submit to your supervisor a leave of absence request form - employee military leave and include a copy of your military orders.
  • Submit your request 30 days prior to the leave for a planned leave. 
  • Submit your request for an unplanned leave immediately.

Prior to your military leave of absence, contact employee services or faculty services at 480-727-9900 to discuss arrangements for the following benefits:

  • Flexible spending accounts.
  • Health and life coverages.

Military family business leave
Time off to address the business or household needs of a military family member called to or on active duty.

Military family health leave
Time off to care for a military family member recovering from an injury or illness suffered while on active duty. 

Parental for birth, placement for adoption or foster care or bonding
Time off for one of the following situations: 

  • Care for and be with a new child in the family.
  • Care for or be with a new child in the family through placement for adoption or foster care.
  • You, your spouse or domestic partner is going to have a baby.

Requested leave for personal reasons. 

Book traversal links for Types of leaves