Theft | 01-09-2024

1 year 2 months ago

Since January 7, 2024, the ASU Police Department has received multiple reports of electric scooter thefts on Tempe campus. The thefts have occurred at various locations across campus.

ASUPD urges the university community, regardless of campus, to take necessary actions to secure personal property, such as e-scooters, bicycles, skateboards, etc. Use of high-quality U-locks is recommended for e-scooters and bicycles.

  • Case numbers: 2024-00047, 2024-00048, 2024-00052, 2024-00062
  • Crime type: Theft.
  • Location: Tempe campus.
  • Suspect known to victim: No.
  • Suspect description: Unknown.
  • Suspect vehicle description: Unknown.
  • An arrest: Has not been made.


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