Stolen Vehicles | 8-7-2024
6 months 2 weeks ago
The ASU Police Department has received two reports of stolen vehicles from 200 S. Packard Drive (Lot 59) on Tempe campus. The first vehicle was reported stolen at approximately 9:42 a.m. and the second at about 5:52 p.m., today, Aug. 7, 2024. ASU Police is increasing patrols and extra security in the area. Officers recommend all drivers verify all vehicles are locked and additional precautions taken if available, such as using burglar alarms, steering wheel locks, etc.
- Case number(s): DR2024-01771, DR2024-01775
- Crime type: Stolen Vehicle
- Location: 200 S. Packard Drive (Lot 59), Tempe campus
- Suspect known to victim: No
- Suspect description: Unknown
- Suspect vehicle description: Unknown
- An arrest: Has not been made
Campus safety tips
- Familiarize yourself with personal safety best practices.
- The ASU Police Crime Prevention unit offers students, faculty and staff more than 50 free personal safety training courses.
- Step Up! ASU teaches participants how to become actively involved and help fellow ASU community members.
- Visit ASU Sexual Violence Prevention for more information, reporting options and Sexual Violence Awareness support services.
Campus safety tips
- Familiarize yourself with personal safety best practices.
- The ASU Police Crime Prevention unit offers students, faculty and staff more than 50 free personal safety training courses.
- Step Up! ASU teaches participants how to become actively involved and help fellow ASU community members.
- Visit ASU Sexual Violence Prevention for more information, reporting options and Sexual Violence Awareness support services.