Delivery Vendor and Contractor Parking Request Home Transit Parking on campus Department and vendor parking Contractor and vendor permit request Requestor's information First name Last name Phone number (applicant) Email address Company name Company street address Company address line 2 Company city Company state Company ZIP code Company main phone number Start date End date CPMG project number or FM job number - Select -YesNo Do you have an Arizona State University, Construction Project Management Group project number or a Facilities Maintenance job number? ASU Construction Project or Facilities Maintenance information ASU project name ASU project number Project location ASU project manager name (first and last) ASU project manager phone number ASU project manager email address Permits requested Regular size vehicles Vehicles with trailers Oversize vehicles On what campus(es) will you need a permit? Downtown Phoenix campus Polytechnic campus Tempe campus West campus Please enter the number of permits requested for each type of vehicle you will bring onto campus. Mall pass request Mall pass required Yes, mall access will be necessary during university operating hours (Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.) Yes, mall access is not required during university operating hours; however, mall access is required during after hours. No, mall access is not required for this project. Will you require a mall pass as part of this project? Mall driver Driver first name Driver last name ASU Driving on the Mall class Please enter the date the driver completed the “ASU Driving on the Mall class”. Second Driver Yes, there is a second person requesting permission to drive on the mall. No, there is only one person requesting permission to drive on the mall. Will there be a second driver of a vehicle on the mall? Second Driver Information Driver two - first name Driver two last name Please note campus malls are intended for pedestrian traffic, and mall passes are for loading and unloading only; vehicles may not park on malls. Mall passes are not valid in Walk-Only Zones on the Tempe campus. Vendor parking permits Please select the type and number of Vendor Parking Permits you would like to request. Questions 0 permits 1 permit 2 permits 3 or more permits, please contact me Special use permit 0 permits 1 permit 2 permits 3 or more permits, please contact me Parking permit – Surface Lot 0 permits 1 permit 2 permits 3 or more permits, please contact me Select the number for each type of permit needed. Mall passes may only be issued in conjunction with a permit. Special use permit details If you selected 'Special use permit' describe the need and the type of passes you would like to request. Mall pass request Yes, mall access may be necessary during university operating hours (Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.) Yes, mall access is not required during university operating hours, however, mall access is required in off hours. No, mall access is not required and I do not wish to request mall pass(es). Would you like to request (a) mall pass(es)? Mall pass information required. Mall driver Mall driver first name Mall driver last name ASU Driving on the Mall class Please enter the date the driver completed the “ASU Driving on the Mall class”. Second mall driver Yes, there is a second person requesting permission to drive on the mall. No, there is only one person requesting permission to drive on the mall. Will there be a second driver of a vehicle on the mall? Second mall driver Second mall driver first name Second mall driver last name ASU Driving on the Mall class (second) Please enter the date the driver completed the “ASU Driving on the Mall class”. Pleas note that campus malls are intended for pedestrian traffic and that mall passes are for loading and unloading only, vehicles may not park on malls. Mall passes are not valid in Walk-Only Zones on the Tempe campus. Please provide the information about the driver(s) of the vehicle(s) who are requesting to be permitted to drive on a mall. Vendor permit renewal. Yes, I have one permit that I would like to renew. Yes, I have multiple permits I would like to renew. No, I do not have any permits that I would likes to renew. Do you presently have a permit that you would like to renew? Vendor Permit Number to be renewed. Please provide the permit number of which you would like to request renewal. Multiple Vendor Permit Numbers for renewal. Please list all permit number you would like to renew, each on a separate line. How would you like to pay for your pass? Check (personal/business check upon PTS approval) Department PO MasterCard/Visa/P-Card Choose office for pick up. Downtown Phoenix campus Polytechnic campus Tempe campus West campus Passes cannot be mailed and must be picked up at a PTS Customer Service office.