Bus charters

Below is a list of approved bus charter companies under contract with ASU who accept the ASU P-Card. The preferred payment method for services is the P-Card. Payment is due within 3–5 business days of the charter completion date, after receipt and acceptance of the invoice. Charter companies will fax the invoice to your designated contact and coordinate payment via P-Card. 

All Aboard America!
Email Andi Thomas or call 480-222-6940.
Note: There is a 5% fuel charge if fuel is more than $3.75 per gallon on trips over 100 miles outside the Phoenix or Tempe area.

Arrow Stage Lines Inc.
Email Kim Weaver or call 480-446-2868.

Avalon Transportation
Email Heather White or call 602-639-9312.

First Student 
Email First Student or call 855-870-8747.

Tour West America, Inc.
Email Steffi Brooks or call 480-237-8888.

Via Adventure, Inc.
Email Lynn Cox or call 480-966-4940.

Email Douglas Feckovics, ASU Procurement Specialist Sr. , with questions or for more information.