ASU Police Department celebrates 75 years of service

ASU Police Department emergency processes

Frequently asked questions

How do I report a crime?

If you are reporting an emergency, please call 911, or use one of the blue light emergency call boxes located across all campuses.

  • The ASU Police Department's 911 system is operated and monitored 24/7.

To report a crime in progress on campus, or to file a police report for a crime that's already occurred:

  • Call the ASU PD Communications Center at 480-965-3456.
  • Report the incident via the ASU LiveSafe app.
  • Visit any ASU PD campus station. 

An officer will assist you in completing a report. Valid identification will be required. 

Once a report is taken, it's forwarded to the ASU PD Criminal Investigations Bureau for follow-up. Once the investigation is complete, the report will be submitted to the Maricopa County Attorney's Office if there is a prosecutable crime.

Please Note — Not all reported crimes are solvable, and the ASU Police Department does not prosecute suspected criminals in court. Officers and detectives gather evidence and may be asked to provide testimony on behalf of the prosecution during trial. However, the responsibility to confirm guilt is the burden of the court system.


Arrests may be handled in one of three ways:

  • The issuance of a criminal citation can handle misdemeanor crimes. 
  • Misdemeanors and some felonies can be handled by taking persons arrested to the police station for booking. 
  • Persons arrested may be released after booking or taken to the Maricopa County Jail, where a magistrate will see them. The judge will then decide whether to release the person or hold them until trial.

Some other non-emergency requests may need to be handled in person at the ASU PD headquarters on the Tempe campus or through another university department.

How does ASU PD communicate with the public?

For general inquiries about services, records or media relations, please call 480-965-3456.

ASU PD provides daily communication through our social media channels:

In the event of an incident or emergency on campus, ASU PD will send out emergency alerts and updates via the ASU LiveSafe app. It's highly encouraged and recommended that all ASU students, staff and visitors download this app.

Important Notice — The distribution of an alert is dependent on the community impact presented by each incident. Some incidents or emergencies will impact the entire campus, but others may only impact a specific building or portion of campus, limiting the alert to a geofenced area.

What is ASU PD's jurisdiction?

Typically, the ASU Police Department is responsible for, and has agency jurisdiction over, matters on state-owned property under the control of the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) and Arizona State University. However, since ASU PD officers are certified as agents of the State of Arizona, their authority may extend to any place within the state's boundaries.

This jurisdictional authority includes all state and university-owned facilities and residences on each ASU campus (known as core boundaries) and off-campus facilities and properties spread throughout the greater Phoenix Metropolitan area.

For some properties outside of ASU PD's core boundaries, such as locations in Washington D.C., ASU utilized interagency agreements to provide public safety support. These agreements give the local police agencies jurisdictional authority over ASU property in their community.

How do I respond to a law enforcement official’s request for access to university property?

First, confirm the identity and authority of the official. If possible, document the interaction's date, time, details, and the official’s name, agency affiliation, identification number and contact information.

Second, a statement of the official’s purpose for seeking access to university property must be requested.

Third, contact the ASU Police Department at 480-965-3456, immediately and provide the information you have obtained. If necessary, the ASU Police Department will then contact the ASU Office of General Counsel if the official presents a warrant, state that you are not authorized to accept service on behalf of the university and direct the official to contact the ASU Office of General Counsel, at 480-965-4550.

Fourth, follow the guidance you receive from the ASU Police Department or the ASU Office of General Counsel, but in the interim:

  • Do not deny access to public areas of campus;
  • Do not consent to provide access to non-public areas of campus unless otherwise instructed by the ASU Police Department or ASU Office of General Counsel; and
  • Do not physically obstruct or interfere with the actions of the law enforcement official, even if the official appears to be acting without consent or exceeding the authorization given under a warrant or other document.

How do I know if a particular area is non-public?

An area is non-public if access to it is restricted by university-issued ID, locked doors or monitored entryways, or if access is normally limited to authorized persons.

Examples of non-public areas include university administrative classrooms, laboratories, faculty offices and residence halls.

Contact the ASU Office of General Counsel at 480-965-4550 if you have questions.

How do I respond to a law enforcement official’s request for access to university information?

First, confirm the identity and authority of the official. If possible, document the date, time, and details of the interaction and the official’s name, agency affiliation, identification number, and contact information.

Second, request a statement of the official’s purpose for seeking access to university property.

Third, contact the ASU Office of General Counsel at 480-965-4550 immediately and provide the information you have obtained. If the official presents a warrant or a subpoena, state that you are not authorized to accept service on behalf of the university and direct the official to contact the ASU Office of General Counsel.

Fourth, follow the guidance you receive from the ASU Office of General Counsel.

How does ASU PD handle sexual assault reports?

If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, the ASU Police Department strongly encourages you to report it.

If a sexual assault is reported on campus, ASU PD will immediately respond and take the following steps:

  • An officer will respond to take an initial report from the victim or reporting party.
  • The responding officer will offer counseling services, as well as access to a victim advocate, prior to transporting any parties to the Tempe Family Advocacy Center, hospital or forensic exam (victims have the option of receiving a police escort to any examination, but will not be required to do so if they prefer to go with a friend or family member).
  • ASU PD Special Victims Unit detectives housed at the Tempe FAC will conduct any necessary follow-up interviews with the victim, witnesses and suspects (when identified).
  • Officers on scene will gather evidence, based on statements made by the reporting party.
  • Evidence may include both physical and digital elements. Please keep all texts, calls and clothing related to the incident (this can all be crucial evidence in an investigation).
  • Once the investigation is complete, any appropriate arrests will be made and charges submitted to the Maricopa County Attorney's Office.

If a sexual assault occurs off campus, that is outside of ASU PD's jurisdiction, and will need to be investigated by that jurisdictional agency.

Get more information about the resources provided by the university at ASU's sexual violence awareness, prevention and response page. 

How do I obtain an order of protection?

You can request and order of protection or restraining order through the Arizona Court system. Be advised that a fee may be required.

Once requested, the court will review the petition and any evidence offered by the plaintiff to determine if the order should be issued without further hearing. 

At any time, whether you've requested an order of protection or not, if you feel unsafe on campus, you can reach out to the ASU Police Department at 480-965-3456 or utilize the "Go Safe" services offered through the ASU LiveSafe app.

Can I bring weapons on campus or to a stadium event?

Firearms, explosives and any object or substance designed to inflict a wound, cause an injury, incapacitate or cause death, is prohibited on campus. Please review the full policy for bringing weapons on campus before you visit.

ASU stadiums institute a "Clear Bag Policy" for events on campus. No items larger than a clear 12" x 6" x 12" bag will be permitted to enter.

Policies are listed under the University Policy and Procedures Manuals page.

How do I submit a commendation or complaint about an ASU PD officer?

Members of the ASU Police Department always strive to be courteous and professional in all dealings with our community. It's our hope that all contacts with our officers and professional staff are positive. However, if that expectation is not met, we will fully investigate any complaint received in a swift and objective manner.

ASU Police Department policy 

It is the ASU Police Department's policy to investigate all department or employee-related inquiries. Citizen inquires ensure the department's integrity and protect the rights and interests of citizens and department members. Read the PDP 203-01: Complaints against ASU Police Department Personnel for more information. 


The ASU Police Department strives to provide excellence in both public safety and public service. Feedback from the community is integral in evaluating how we are accomplishing this goal. If one of our employees (sworn or professional) has gone above and beyond the call of duty, we encourage you to inform ASU PD command staff in order to recognize these extraordinary efforts.

Please email ASU PD Command, and let them know the name of the officer or staff member you wish to highlight. If you don't know the officer or staff member's name, please include the date, time and location of the interaction.


The ASU Police Department takes all community complaints and inquiries seriously. The reception of an official complaint will be immediately and thoroughly investigated by both the officer or staff member's immediate supervisor and the ASU PD command staff. If you submit an inquiry, provide us with all of the facts to the best of your ability.

Important Note — False reporting in an attempt to unjustly subject a police employee to unwarranted discipline, slander, or jeopardize his or her employment, can result in criminal charges and possibly a civil suit filed by the involved employee. 

How do I submit a complaint?

There are multiple ways to submit a formal complaint:

  • Communicate inquiries to the employee's direct supervisor at the ASU Police Department by calling 480-965-3456.
  • Send an email to ASU PD Command
  • Submit a complaint through the ASU LiveSafe app via the "Cop Check" function.

What is the disciplinary process? 

After review of an inquiry, the outcome will fail into one of the following categories:

  • Exonerated: The allegation occurred, but the employee's actions were lawful and proper. 
  • Not sustained: There is insufficient evidence to either prove or disprove the allegations. 
  • Policy failure: The employee's actions were proper, but a change in policy or procedure is warranted. 
  • Sustained: The allegation is supported by sufficient evidence to justify a reasonable conclusion of guilt. 
  • Unfounded: The allegation made against the employee is false, and the investigation shows that the alleged actions never happened. 

Corrective training may occur if an inquiry is sustained. Disciplinary action can range from verbal counseling to dismissal. An employee facing suspension without pay, demotion or dismissal is entitled to a review by the University Grievance Committee. The ASU president or another designee makes the final administrative decision. 

What is the resolution? 

After our thorough investigation of the inquiry, the employee's supervisor, or another designee, will promptly contact you by email, mail or phone. You will be advised of the supervisor's findings and whether action will be taken. You will not be told specific information that would violate the employee's right to privacy. 

When should you inquire?

Whenever any department member's questionable behavior is possibly a violation of city, state or federal law involving excessive use of force or involved discourteous or abusive treatment. 

Who investigates the inquiry? 

Department supervisors oversee the conduct of members assigned to them. In most cases, the member's supervisor conducts an investigation and reports the incidents through the chain of command for disposition. A higher-ranking supervisor may handle serious offenses and allegations of criminal activity. 

Investigation of a complaint may be outsourced to another department within the university, or to another agency, depending on the severity of the reported misconduct.

Who may inquire?

Any person who believes they know of police misconduct may file an anonymous or in-person inquiry. All inquiries will be reviewed to determine the appropriate level of investigation.