Dental plans

Within 30 calendar days of your eligibility-hire date or a qualifying life event or during the annual open enrollment period, you may enroll in one of the two dental plan options. There are two plan types: prepaid-dental health maintenance organization and the indemnity-preferred provider organization.

How to choose the best dental plan for you and your family.

When choosing between a prepaid DHMO plan and an indemnity PPO plan, you should consider the following: Dental history, level of dental care required, costs-budget and provider in the network.

Make sure your current dentist participates in the plan you are considering.

2025 dental plans

Prepaid-DHMO Plan, UnitedHealthcare Solstice S800B

  • No annual deductible or maximums.
  • No claim forms.
  • Specific copayments for services.
  • Specific lab fees for prosthodontic materials.
  • The dentist you select must participate in the DHMO plan.
  • You must use a participating dental provider to provide and coordinate all of your dental care.

UHC Solstice dental member services 844-208-0223.

Each family member may choose a different general dentist. You can select or change your dentist by visiting the Solstice directory.

Select Find a Provider, select S800B plan, select a specialty, enter your ZIP code and select Search Providers.

The following list of states and territories are not covered under the UHC DHMO plan: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming, Guam, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands.

Summary plan description
Schedule of benefits

Indemnity-PPO Plan, Delta Dental PPO Plus Premier

  • Benefits may be based on reasonable and customary charges.
  • There is a maximum lifetime benefit of $1,500 per person for orthodontia.
  • You may see a licensed dentist anywhere in the world.
  • You have a maximum benefit of $2,000 per person per plan year for dental services. Maximum annual benefit will exclude preventive class — services, which include office visits, oral exams, cleaning, fluoride treatment and X-rays.

Delta Dental claim form 800-352-6132.

More than 85% of Arizona’s licensed dentists participate in the Delta Dental PPO Plus Premier plan and agree to accept Delta’s allowable fee as payment in full after any deductibles or copayments are met. Amounts billed by network providers in excess of the allowable fee will not be billed to the patient.

If you see a non-participating dentist, Delta will still provide benefits, although typically at reduced levels. You may need to submit a claim form for eligible expenses to be paid.

Summary plan description


2025 dental plans comparison

2025 dental plan rates per pay period

 UHC Solstice - DHMODelta Dental - PPO
Coverage levelEmployeeEmployerEmployeeEmployer
Employee only$1.64$2.29$14.30$2.29
Employee, plus spouse$3.29$4.58$30.33$4.58
Employee, plus one child$3.08$4.58$23.34$4.58


2025 plan year deductibles and copays

 UHC SolsticeDelta Dental
Plan year deductiblesNone$50, $100 or $150
Annual combined basic and major serviceNo dollar limit$2,000 per person
Orthodontia lifetimeNo dollar limit$1,500 per person


Preventive Care Class IUHC SolsticeDelta Dental
Oral exam$0$0 Deductible waived1
Emergency exam$35 after-hours office visit$0 Deductible waived1
Prophylaxis - cleaning$0$0 Deductible waived1
Fluoride treatmentWithout varnish: $0 | With varnish: $20$0 to age 18 deductible waived
X-rays$0$0 Deductible waived


Other servicesUHC SolsticeDelta Dental
Sealants$020% to age 19
FillingsAmalgam: $16 | Resin: $3720%
ExtractionsSimple: $35 | Surgical: $10520%
Periodontal gingivectomy$119 for one-three teeth | $180 for four or more teeth20%
Oral surgery$25 - $27020%
Crowns$195 - $290, plus lab and material50%
Dentures$485 - $50250%
Fixed bridgework$290, plus lab and material per unit50%
Crown or Bridge repair$80 - $9550%
Implant body$79550%2
Orthodontia$1,375 - $2,875See lifetime
TMJ exam and services$150 - $250Not covered
External bleaching$30 - $240Not covered

1Routine visits, exams and cleanings, and fluoride treatments are covered two times per plan year at 100%. Emergency exams are covered once per plan year at 100%. Bitewing and periapical X-rays are covered once per plan year at 100%.

2Subject to both the benefit year allowance and the lifetime maximum limit, $1,000 per tooth. Subject to all provisions, terms and conditions of the plan description.

Dental plan FAQs

How can I choose the best dental plan for my needs?

When choosing between a prepaid or DHMO plan and an indemnity or PPO plan, consider the following: dental history, level of dental care required, costs and budget and a provider in the network. If you have a preferred dentist, make sure he or she accepts the plan you are considering.

Is my dentist in-network?

DHMO Plan | UnitedHealthcare Solstice

UnitedHealthcare Solstice providers are located nationwide, except for in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming, Guam, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands.

  1. Visit UnitedHealthcare Solstice. Select Find a Provider at top of the screen.
  2. Make sure Dental is selected.
  3. Select plan: S800B.
  4. Select a Specialty.
  5. Enter a ZIP code and search area.
  6. Check the box I'm not a robot and then select Search Providers.

If you have a current dentist, they could be in-network. Call their office and ask if they are contracted in the UnitedHealthcare Solstice S800B network.


PPO Plan | Delta Dental

More than 85% of Arizona’s licensed dentists participate in the Delta Dental Plan and agree to accept Delta’s allowable fee as payment in full after any deductibles or copayments are met. Amounts billed by network providers in excess of the allowable fee will not be billed to the patient.

  • A maximum annual benefit of $2,000 will exclude Preventive Class I services, which include office visits, oral exams, cleaning, fluoride treatments and x-rays.
  • Benefits may be based on reasonable and customary charges.
  • Deductible or out-of-pocket payments apply. 
  • There is a maximum lifetime benefit of $1,500 per person for orthodontia.
  • You have a maximum benefit of $2,000 per person per plan year for dental services.
  • You may see a licensed dentist anywhere in the world.
  • You may need to submit a claim form for eligible expenses to be paid.
  • Visit Delta Dental and set up an ID and password to have access to the Delta online features.

When should I receive my ID card?

New enrollees should receive a card within 10 to 14 business days after the benefits become effective.

Book traversal links for Dental plans