
To service the university's need for contractors that can plan, design, install and maintain the audiovisual, presentation and related equipment and projects, RFP #302101 Multimedia Equipment and Services Contractors was issued.

The following suppliers received recognition for such equipment and services:

  • Audio Visual Innovations, Inc.
  • CCS Presentation Systems.
  • Ford-Audio Video Systems, LLC.
  • Level 3 Audio Visual.
  • Presentation Products Inc. dba Spinitar.
  • Southern California Sound Image.
  • Technology Providers, Inc.

This summary of the seven contracted suppliers provides contact information, pricing and discounts for equipment and services. Your unit can obtain quotes from these seven firms without conducting a formal solicitation. 

All quotes must include information at the line-item level regarding the catalog-list price, ASU's discount rate as a percentage and ASU's quoted price. The contracts are available for use through March 24, 2026.

In addition, the following supplier may also be used:

  • B&H

You may call (800) 947-8003 or e-mail their account representative Nicholas Roman or their Enterprise Sales Team