ASU recognized as an Outstanding Civilian Employer

Michael Latsko, ASU vice president and chief Human Resources officer, accepts the civilian employer award

Arizona State University was named an Outstanding Civilian Employer for 2023. The annual award recognizes employers that support U.S. Navy Reserve sailors who work in a civilian capacity in an organization.

A university-employed Navy Reserve sailor nominated ASU to recognize the university’s support of sailors and the national defense.

“Navy Reserve Sun Devils contribute greatly to the university and the nation,” said Michael Latsko, vice president and chief human resources officer. “ASU is proud and honored to champion our Navy Reserve employees – and all armed forces reserve employees and veterans — and their commitment to serving our country.”

Latsko attended the Navy Employer Recognition Event held in San Diego, California, onboard the USS Midway on June 7 to accept the award on ASU’s behalf. He was joined by the Deputy Chief of the Navy Reserve and Commander Navy Reserve Forces Command, flag officers and recipients from forty-nine other organizations.

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