Officer inquiries

Members of the ASU Police Department strive to be courteous and professional in all dealings with the citizens it serves. We hope that all contact with our officers is positive. If that expectation is not met, we will endeavor to resolve your inquiry to the satisfaction of all persons involved courteously and objectively. 

Review the latest Internal Affairs Investigations report

ASU Police Department policy 

It is the ASU Police Department's policy to investigate all department or employee-related inquiries. Citizen inquires ensure the department's integrity and protect the rights and interests of citizens and department members. Read the PDP 203-01: Complaints against ASU Police Department Personnel for more information. 


We strive to provide excellent customer service. Citizen's feedback helps us evaluate our performance. If one of our employees has provided you with an experience you feel is worthy of a commendation, we urge you to inform us. 

If you do not know the employee's name, include the date, time and location. A copy of the commendation becomes a part of the employee's personnel file. 

Contact the ASU Chief of Police to submit a commendation. 

Officer inquiries

The ASU Police Department takes all citizen inquiries against its employees seriously and actively pursues misconduct investigations. If you submit an inquiry, provide us with all of the facts to the best of your ability. False reporting in an attempt to unjustly subject a police employee to unwarranted discipline, slander, or jeopardize his or her employment, can result in criminal charges and possibly a civil suit filed by the involved employee. 

How do you file an inquiry? 

Communicate inquiries to the employee's direct supervisor at the ASU Police Department by calling 480-965-3456. If the immediate supervisor is unavailable, another supervisor will take your inquiry. Inquiries may be filed in person, by email, mail or phone. 

What is the disciplinary process? 

After review of an inquiry, the outcome will fail into one of the following categories:

  • Exonerated: The allegation occurred, but the employee's actions were lawful and proper. 
  • Not sustained: There is insufficient evidence to either prove or disprove the allegations. 
  • Policy failure: The employee's actions were proper, but a change in policy or procedure is warranted. 
  • Sustained: The allegation is supported by sufficient evidence to justify a reasonable conclusion of guilt. 
  • Unfounded: The allegation made against the employee is false, and the investigation shows that the alleged actions never happened. 

Corrective training may occur if an inquiry is sustained. Disciplinary action can range from verbal counseling to dismissal. An employee facing suspension without pay, demotion or dismissal is entitled to a review by the University Grievance Committee. The ASU president or another designee makes the final administrative decision. 

What is the resolution? 

After our thorough investigation of the inquiry, the employee's supervisor, or another designee, will promptly contact you by email, mail or phone. You will be advised of the supervisor's findings and whether action will be taken. You will not be told specific information that would violate the employee's right to privacy. 

When should you inquire?

Whenever any department member's questionable behavior is possibly a violation of city, state or federal law involving excessive use of force or involved discourteous or abusive treatment. 

Who investigates the inquiry? 

Department supervisors oversee the conduct of members assigned to them. In most cases, the member's supervisor conducts an investigation and reports the incidents through the chain of command for disposition. A higher-ranking supervisor may handle serious offenses and allegations of criminal activity. 

Who may inquire?

Any person who believes he or she knows of police misconduct may file an anonymous or in-person inquiry. All inquiries will be reviewed to determine the appropriate level of investigation.

Book traversal links for Officer inquiries